
VCS is using a new uniform provider starting this year. 

Our 1 year old and 2 year old classes do not need a uniform, but if your child is in the 3 year old class through 10th grade, here is the new provider information.


*Preschool 3 and 4 year old classrooms - at least one maroon polo shirt for picture days, and performances, grey and black are also available; and black uniform bottoms. Preschool does not need a white chapel shirt or tie. 

*Kindergarten and up - at least one maroon polo shirt for picture days, and performances, grey and black are also available; and black uniform bottoms. A white chapel shirt and tie is required for Wednesday dress code.

Friday Spirit shirts and jeans that are not torn or frayed may be worn. Spirit shirts are available in the office for 12.00 each. 

If you have any questions, please contact the office at 361-573-5345.